Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Blog Essay

Accident Events that Relate with Energy Drinks and Effect to Our Health

Sang Woo, Kim

The number of people who consume energy drinks increase clearly after energy drinks’ popularity increase. But, will energy drinks give only benefit to our health? unfortunately, energy drinks don’t give any benefit to our health. No, it’s even harmful to our health. These drinks already have taken lot’s of people’s lives. Additionally, Korea’s wrong alcohol-culture lead our people into danger. Then, what’s the effect of energy drinks to health? And, which accident are related to energy drinks?

Energy drink is one kind of stimulant which affect huge scale of improvement of focus, fatigue recovery, stress reduction, and other benefits. And, energy drink contains a large amount of caffeine that other stimulant drinks can not compete with. Presently, there are too much people who drinks energy drinks. I searched internet to know actual state about energy drinks. There were more people who look for energy drinks than I thought. While searching, I found plenty of writing about energy drink by students, workers, and drivers. It seems so many different groups of people drink it for their own purpose. People should ban consume energy drink and should not consume energy drink, because causes lot’s of health problem.

As energy drink’s popularity goes up, more accident events are happening. Between 2005 and 2009, hospital had 10 times of patients who came to emergency room that relate with energy-drinks. Danger of energy drink didn’t spread to society yet, which meant plenty of people doesn’t know how much energy drink is dangerous for their health and consume energy drinks. Present, tolerable amount of drinking caffeine per day is: adults are 400mg, pregnant women are 300mg, teens and kids are under 2.5mg/per kg. If you get over these tolerable amount of caffeine, you could get side effect, which are sleep disorder, caffeine addiction, lack of minerals, and more. But, energy drink’s amount of caffeine has overwhelmed any other drinks products. By Drinking one can(325ml) of ‘Monster Java Kona’, one will intake 9 times of cola’s(250ml) caffeine. in other words, drinking 2 ‘Monster Java Kona’ will make you sick because it exceed daily tolerable amount of caffeine. If one consumed too much caffeine, heart rate pumping faster than normal situation, which could cause heart attack. Additionally, caffeine takes water from your skin, so skin could become dry, haggard and skin trouble, skin aging happens due to having more sebum by capillary getting expense. And when teens exceed caffeine, calcium doesn’t absorb by born smoothly and causes osteoporosis. When osteoporosis happen, born become really weak. Other than these, anxiety, nervous, sleep disorder also happens.

We should not consume energy drink because it made a lot of serious accident. Last 4 years, FDA got 92 reports about occur, hospitalization, death(13 cases) that related to energy drinks. Sally Burgess from FDA noticed “People whose going to drink Energy-Drinks should meet with doctor first” because “People who has chronic disease, chronic disease could become worse by drinking Energy-Drinks.” and warmed “Energy-Drinks could not replace for sleep and relaxation.” There is popular event that happened by energy drink. In Hagerstown, Maryland, Anais Fournier(14) died on December 23, 2011 by heart attack. Before 24 hours she died, she drink 2 cans of ‘Monster’, which is 680g/per can. Result of autopsy, Fournier died by caffeinism Which causes heart attack. Fournier had hereditary disease that could causes blood vessel be weaken. After she died, Fournier’s family lawsuit ‘Monster’ company because company did not warned danger of monster drinks.

But, how does these dangerous energy drinks are still in display counter? At Present, caffeine is cataloged as nutrition, so it is not restricted in the law. Due to small amount of caffeine are benefit to health. But, this is for enough caffeine amount. In other word, died people who are relate with energy drink proof that energy drinks contains enough caffeine to kill people.

Then, how does other country deal with energy drink? Some advanced countries already deal with energy drink by their own solution. In some countries, they banned Energy-Drinks in country, such as France, Denmark, Turkey. And in Norway, people can’t sell Energy-Drinks whose under 15. But, these countries have reasons why they restrict energy drink. In France, after student who drink ‘Red Bull’ and played basketball died by heart attack, France restrict ‘Red Bull’, and in Norway and Denmark cataloged energy drinks as medicine due to having too much caffeine in energy drink. Even though government could earn a lot of money by this energy drinks, they restricted energy drinks for their people.

Like other countries, aren’t our country should make law about energy drink? My opinion about caffeine is ‘We should restrict it by law’. Even though there weren’t any accident happened inside our country, right now our country does not have any law about caffeine, which energy drinks are being sell free without any restriction about caffeine which accident could be happen to us. For this reason, I think we should restrict amount of caffeine inside energy drink or could not sell to teens or young people who did not grown up. In other word, I think our country should take action before any accident happens.

Additional Information
Name of energy drink
Amount of Caffeine(mg)
/Amount of Drink(ml)
5-Hour Energy
Monster Energy Drink
Hot 6
Burn Intense
Red Bull
Monster Javacona

Products That Relate with Caffeine
Amount of Caffeine(mg)
/Amount of Drink(ml)
Instant Coffee
69mg/Per stick (12g)
Instant Coffee
74mg/Per Can (175ml)
Green Tea
15mg/Per teabag